I haven't written much about dance yet in this blog. So I'll give you the low down. I'm a Scottish Highland Dance teacher. It's the one job of my three that I love. I'm not as confident in it as I should be, but the comes with putting myself out there and getting the experience that I need. I teach one night a week for three hours. Currently, I have three students but it seems to fluctuate a lot. In the last few years I have gone from 5 to 3 to 4 and now back to 3. I would eventually like to make this my main source of income and be able to stay at home with my future babies.
Anyhow, this is a picture of my most advanced student and myself. We do a few shows a year around town and my younger student is just starting her third year of competition. This weekend is a workshop for dancers and teachers. I usually like to have at least 2 dance classes prior to these workshops and competitions devoted to prepping my younger students. I don't like them going into a workshop without us having talked about and reviewed each dance in the past two weeks. Alas, class had to be cancelled last night, due to weather. :( No second day of review for my little one attending the workshop with me this weekend. This is what February and March bring on Tuesdays though. Cancelled dance class. Why is it that the weather always seems to come on Tuesdays?
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